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Rotten Dog

Rotten Dog

Posts : 121
Join date : 2010-07-21

Rules... Empty
PostSubject: Rules...   Rules... EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 10:53 am

1. Names- Name violations will be namelocked so that the player can change his/her name. If the player continues to make unsuitable names, then actions such as notation, banishment, IP banishment may result.
a) Names which contain insulting (e.g. "Bastard"), racist (e.g. "Nigger"), extremely right-wing (e.g. "Hitler"), sexist (e.g. "female dog") or offensive (e.g. "Copkiller") language.
b) Names containing nonsensical combinations of letters (e.g. "Fgfshdsfg")
c) Names which were created to fake other players' identities (e.g. "Arieswer" instead of "Arieswar") or official positions (e.g. "System Admin"), names of NPC's, creatures or other activities related on the server (e.g. "Rune Seller").

2. Cheating
a) Exploiting obvious errors of the game ("bugs"), for instance to duplicate items. If you find an error you must report it to a staff member immediately. Any players caught abusing bugs will be given a notation, and if continued, a banishment.
-Entering PZ with a PZ lock is illegal. If you find a map loophole, report it immediately and do not use it.
-Abusing of possible bugs. If you find a bug please report it to a Gamemaster.
b) Intentional abuse of weaknesses in the gameplay, for example arranging objects or players in a way that other players cannot move them. Protection zones can not be blocked either.
-Using non PVP characters such as the ones lower than the pvp level of the server to block spawns/players from being hunted/killed is a bug abuse and account will be given a notation or banishment. (Could potentially lead to MAIN account being banned)
c) Using tools to automatically perform or repeat certain actions without any interaction by the player ("macros"). Any use of third-party software is not allowed. Players with any use of botting will be automatically banished.
-Players found using a bot to train/level-up will be banned.
-Players found using a bot for player vs. player will be banned.
-AFK botting of ANY sort is NOT allowed. No AFK training, magic level, or hunting.
d) Manipulating the client program or using additional software to play the game. This will also result in an automatic banishment.
e) Trying to steal other players' account data ("hacking"). “Hackers” will be automatically banished.
f) Playing on more than one account at the same time ("multi-clienting").
g) Offering account data to other players or accepting other players' account data ("account-trading/sharing"). Players are not allowed to play on another player’s account. Doing so will result in a banishment.

3. Gamemasters- Punishment will be at gamemaster’s discretion.
a) Threatening a gamemaster because of his or her actions or position as a gamemaster.
b) Pretending to be a gamemaster or to have influence on the decisions of a gamemaster.
c) Intentionally giving wrong or misleading information to a gamemaster concerning his or her investigations or making false reports about rule violations.
d) Failure to comply with staff's instructions or insulting staff.

4. Player Killing/ Power Abusing- Punishment may result in a notation or banishment.
a) Excessive killing of characters who are not marked with a "skull" on worlds which are not PvP-enforced. Please note that killing marked characters is not a reason for a banishment.
b.) Killing a player because you want the spawn to yourself.
c.) Hunting players for no apparent reason, just because you like to kill.
d.) Skull system
-4 frags in one day = red skull, 6 frags in one day = auto ban
e.) No stealing, scamming or disruptive gaming.
f.) Being a PVP server - randomn pking is part of the game, however, randomn pking is not being a "pack of dogs" hunting people...randomn pking is not going into a spawn and finding someone hunting there and so you tell them to leave and then kill them so that you can have the spawn...randomn pking is not jumping on the !online list and finding players who you think are weak enough to go kill them.
g.) Wars basically are defined between guilds...basically when someone is losing and they want out of the war - they leave the guild and maybe with some "reasonable payment" (not donor items and not things that are ridiculous - like 5 bp's of CC or something). The leave the guild and they are out - they lose.
h.) Pay or hunted is illegal.

5.) Harassment- Punishment is at the viewer’s discretion. It may include verbal warning, notation, banishment or IP banishment.
a.) No racism, excessive cussing or insulting. This falls under "being nice to other players". Don't be a jerk.
b.) Talking trash on game-chat/trade chat/help chat is illegal.
c.) No spamming help chat or staff members.

6.) House Ownership
a.) You must be level 150+ to own a house.
b.) One player per account may own a house. Players with multiple characters owning more than 1 house will be given a notation and the other houses will be removed from ownership. If the same player continues to own more houses, then a banishment will follow.

A violation of the Rexanilator Rules may lead to temporary banishment of characters and accounts. In severe cases removal or modification of character skills, attributes and belongings, as well as the permanent removal of accounts without any compensation may be considered. The sanction is based on the seriousness of the rule violation and the previous record of the player. It is determined by the gamemaster imposing the banishment.

These rules may be changed at any time. All changes will be announced on the official website.

Last edited by Rexanilator on Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:06 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : fixedhouselevel)
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