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 about the vocations.

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War Junkie
Halea the Titan
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Halea the Titan

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about the vocations. Empty
PostSubject: about the vocations.   about the vocations. EmptyMon Jan 02, 2012 8:03 pm

right. well this is what i was thinking and how it should be for the vocations..

Druids: i agree with druids hitting less with their UE than sorcs because druids can para and heal others. but i dissagree with the whole para taking soul points to use their para runes... like it already takes enough out of our mana to use it. and i know u will say it stops them from being able to spam it during a battle... but it takes that much mana from them if they spam it and get attacked they are screwed.

Sorcerers : they are good so far with their whole UE etc.

Mages in general: The SD rune needs to be increased in attack and the exaust needs to be lowered. because in the last server. SDs were just pointless and they are meant to be a mages goto rune because ue can kill your own team members and the wands hit piss all. i also think that there should be a mana pot that heals more than like 300 as their lvl gets higher. because pallies and knights are hitting over 1.5k when they are higher lvl and that just makes mages have no chance at all.

Paladins: paladins have always been over powered on this server because of their insane healing and Mas San being over powered. i don't mind if their healing is abit OTT because they needa be able to defend themselves but it shouldn't be so high because then it takes the whole purpose out of creating a knight... and what everyone needs to realise pallies are distance fighters!!!!! they should not be able to follow attack anyone they feel and just spam a mas san and own any mage in a couple seconds.

Knights: Knights healing should probably be increased because they are made for blocking. i also think there exori gran spell should be descreased abit because they are meant to be melee fighters and blockers

One other thing! everyone complains about vocations not being balanced... they shouldn't be balanced. you just have to know what vocation to be. if your decent enough at the game and your vocation then you shouldn't complain that vocations are not balanced if you get bomd by 10 one should be able to tank that many people (unless they are real low lvl mages).. that's what i thought brought this server down.

just please have a think about all of that. it will make the server better if u agree with atleast some/most of those ideas.

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War Junkie

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about the vocations. Empty
PostSubject: Re: about the vocations.   about the vocations. EmptyTue Jan 03, 2012 6:05 am

sty stng bby gurl xoxoxox
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Age : 32

about the vocations. Empty
PostSubject: Re: about the vocations.   about the vocations. EmptyTue Jan 03, 2012 8:47 pm

I think that you (Dog or Rex) should balance the vocations by yourself and dont listen to players, I trust on your experience.
cause when you start to listen players you cant give everyone what they want cause different people think different.
Vocation balance is 1 of the most importants aspect's of a server... be careful...

Sorry for bad english, I'm hurry.
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Halea the Titan

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Join date : 2010-08-04

about the vocations. Empty
PostSubject: Re: about the vocations.   about the vocations. EmptyWed Jan 04, 2012 12:00 am

well if the vocations are anything like the last 2 servers then the server will go no where again.
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about the vocations. Empty
PostSubject: Re: about the vocations.   about the vocations. EmptyWed Jan 04, 2012 2:13 am

I will always play a knight in tibia, that is just who I am, it doesn't matter much to me if they are underpowered or overpowered.

I do agree on some kind of balance between the vocations though, for everyone who likes to engage in pvp or for people who prefer to level up the fastest, each vocations weakness and strength - all of this must be fair for all. Vocation balance is an essential part of the game.
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about the vocations. Empty
PostSubject: Re: about the vocations.   about the vocations. EmptyWed Jan 04, 2012 5:55 pm

sounds good to me, id like to see SD being utilized more in both pvp and pve situations, maybe make them hit a little less than UE but the speed at which they can be cast be faster than that of a UE? That way they can be used in single target situations rather than having to spam UE.
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Halea the Titan

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about the vocations. Empty
PostSubject: Re: about the vocations.   about the vocations. EmptyWed Jan 04, 2012 6:07 pm

i agree villy. make the game more of a challenge using sd more than just spam spam spam on the ue hotkey.
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about the vocations. Empty
PostSubject: Re: about the vocations.   about the vocations. EmptyFri Jan 06, 2012 8:02 pm

I agree with most of your ideas, keep the thoughts coming!
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